

前陣子 Facebook 宣布即將推出粉絲頁認證機制及個人資料認證機制,針對一些公眾人物像名人、政府官員、知名品牌和企業推出官方認證的機制,不過這項計畫還沒正式開始推出,網路上就有假的釣魚網站出現了。

跟據國外網站 allfacebook.com 報導,目前出現假的釣魚網站,企圖利誘粉絲團專業管理員透過輸入10位數數字,來進行粉絲頁認證計畫,不過當你輸入資料的同時,可能也把你粉絲專業的資料都拱手送給別人了!假的釣魚網站,會傳播以下的訊息給粉絲團管理員,強調認證服務是強制執行,如果不在2013/5/30前完成資料輸入,那你的粉絲專業可能永久消失。

Dear Facebook User,

You are receiving this message to notify you about the new security feature from Facebook called “Fan Page Verification Program”.

After many Fan Pages have been stolen lately leaving us no choice but Deleting them forever, we had to come up with an original solution about the Fan Page’s Security.

Luckily, your Fan Page, has a lot of likes and provides High Quality Content, which qualify it for this program.

To complete this process you must choose a 10-digit number (it can be any number) and that number will be assigned as your Security code”. This code will be the new passphrase for changing anything important for your Fan Page, like the Admin roles or other important settings.

Please be aware that this process it’s open only until 30.05.2013 and it’s mandatory to complete it. If you don’t, your Fan Page will be suspended permanently since it is not considered safe for the wide audience.

Please visit the link below to complete the process:

▲假的 Facebook 認證釣魚網站。

如果大家在網路上看到一些有關 Facebook 相關的服務不知道是真是假,建議先不要冒然點選,可以先上Facebook官方網站上的新聞報導(News)看看有沒有相關的訊息,在考慮要不要執行。


