這次的Fans Art又更新囉,有相當多很棒的作品,也有各式各樣的風格,包含寫實、雕塑、可愛的畫作,另外也有Diablo3的作品出現了,馬上來看看吧!

Wings of Light (光之翼)- hao liu (10z) - 5/25/11

Lulu - hao liu (10z) - 5/25/11

Adventure(冒險) - hao liu (10z) - 5/25/11

Alone in the Dark(孤身在黑暗中)- Dylan Walsh (Aveon) - 5/25/11

Eastern(東方風) - Zhongjie Lan (Windforcelan) - 5/18/11

Night Elf Hunter(夜精靈獵人) - linxz - 5/18/11

Action Figure Sculpture(動作雕塑) - Peng Luo (Roc) - 5/18/11

Sylvanas(希瓦娜斯) - Sarah Ellerton (ArtsAngel) - 5/18/11

Guardian of the world tree(世界樹守護者)- chenbo - 5/18/11

Blood Sunset(血之日落) - Jian Guo (breathing2004) - 5/11/11

Gnome DKs are best DKs(地精死騎是最棒的死騎) - Heather Campbell (Anoia) - 5/11/11

莫高雷 - 幻藍 (幻藍-Nanaly) - 5/11/11

亡靈法師 - 幻藍 (幻藍-Nanaly) - 5/11/11

巨魔獵人 - 幻藍 (幻藍-Nanaly) - 5/11/11

Bloody Battle(血戰) - madbrush - 5/13/11

角斗士 - 韩军翔 (阿龙) - 5/13/11

暗黑3 - 康帅 - 5/13/11

Final Showdown(最後決戰)- Anton Gustilo (pixelcharlie) - 5/13/11