This photograph was taken in the northwest with the state of a scene Nangang YAO Yao families gather at the Guangdong Province. Elderly were chatting with the guys, people feel a harmonious atmosphere. In a harmonious atmosphere of care for the young, to show affection in the village.
Honourable Mention
Visual Arts Exhibition
這是在龍勝黃洛瑤寨拍的照片。這是一個瑤族家庭在煮食時的情景。母親在烹調的時間,孩子會在旁學習廚藝和協助添加柴枝。在和諧的氣氛下煮食, 並展現出小數民族之間的親情。
This photograph was taken in Longsheng Huangluo Hong Yao Zhai. This is a scene when the Yao family cooking. When mother was cooking, the child will learn cooking and help add brushwood. Cooking in a harmonious atmosphere, and show affection among ethnic minorities.
Honourable Mention
Visual Arts Exhibition
This photograph was taken in Lijiang. Fisherman starts to work when the sunrise. No matter how much the harvest, they are aware that certain fishing together and satisfaction, and to show the feelings other than money.
Hong Kong Grand Prize
Visual Arts Exhibition
展覽日期:22 - 30.8.2015
展覽時間:2015年8月22日,下午3:00 - 晚上7:00;
8月23至30日,上午10:00 - 晚上7:00
地址:香港九龍尖沙咀梳士巴利道10號 免費入場
郭文棣(Kwok Man Tai)(1995-),香港出生,香港攝影師 ; 郭文棣的作品曾在多個香港及國際展覽中展出,而且在世界各地獲得超過100個獎項。郭文棣曾獲得國家地理頻道攝影比賽首獎,第四屆國際攝影競賽首獎,埃及國際攝影大賽首獎,香港國際學生視覺藝術比賽首獎。郭文棣更被索尼世界攝影比賽評為最受讚揚青年攝影師。
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Blog: rickykwok.blogspot.hk
Website: kwokmantai.com