在阿姆斯特丹的地方法院,Nokia 剛打贏了一場仗,再次叫 HTC 跌個灰頭土臉。法院下了個暫時性的禁制令,使 New One 在荷蘭不准出貨。由於 Nokia 目前仍在許多其他國家對 HTC 進行相同內容的訴訟,這項在荷蘭的禁制令,勢將被引用為各國法院重要之裁判依據。


HTC在New One的麥克風設計上極度自豪地採用了ST Microelectronics所提供的新元件及技術(HDR雙振膜麥克風),在收音單元上設置兩個振膜,各自負責不同特性的聲音。其中一個振膜,是用來捕捉較高音域的訊號以有效吸收大音量的聲音;另一個振膜,則具備更高的靈敏度,可用以捕捉較微小的聲波。

從法令遵循以及內部控制制度的設計與執行層面來看,這個技術既然不是htc自己開發出來的,當然就必須對其執行完整的due diligence。也就是說,在採用之前,要嚴密查核其智財權之歸屬,以及採用了之後是否不會對第三人之權利造成侵害。如果決定採用了,更必須在供應契約中要求供應商作出representations and warranties (聲明暨擔保);擔保模式之設計,如果htc的律師稱職的話,一定會要求ST Microelectronics承諾很多件事,以下只舉大者為例:(1)萬一因為其所供應之產品或技術有侵權爭議,ST Microelectronics必須以自己之費用為htc取得必要之授權使htc之產品出貨不致於受到影響、以及(2)萬一被任何一個國家的法院基於侵權而判令禁止出貨或須賠償第三方,一切財務和業務之損失均由ST Microelectronics承擔。

除非htc能公布它與ST Microelectronics的合約,否則我們無從確定上述的極其重要的條款是否有被訂明在內;但從結果來看,Nokia的確是該項新技術的原始設計者,這件事情早在2012年7月,就已經由ST Microelectronics的員工Angelo Bosco在自己的部落格裡說明得很清楚。這件事,難道htc不知道?要是真不知道,那麼公司的智財管理和法務部門豈不全都該死?而如果知道,在決定要讓New One使用它之前,難道沒有執行權利查核與確認?htc又與ST Microelectronics作了哪些必要的防禦性約定?怎麼可能讓自己如此重要的機皇級產品再被重打一棍?江河日下的htc,至此何有顏面見江東父老與投資人?


Nokia granted injunction on HTC One in Netherlands

Microphone technology developed for sole Nokia use in the HTC One

electronista, updated 03:58 pm EDT, Mon April 22, 2013

In the Amsterdam District Court, Nokia has won a court injunction that will stop device manufacturer HTC from using microphone parts codeveloped and manufactured by STMicroelectronics NV in the new HTC One smartphone. A statement released by Nokia notes that the components were invented by Nokia, with the intention of being used exclusively in Nokia devices.

In its statement, Nokia said “HTC has no license or authorization from Nokia to use these microphones or the Nokia technologies from which they have been developed." The issued injunction only applies to sales in the Netherlands, but could set precedent in other pending actions across the world.

HTC responded to the loss in a statement saying that “HTC is disappointed in the decision. We are considering whether it will have any impact on our business and we will explore alternative solutions immediately."

This court decision is only one in a range of conflicts between the two worldwide. Nokia has asserted 44 patents against HTC in Germany, the UK, and the United States, including actions involving the same microphone components. HTC has one sales injunction in Germany now, and Nokia has filed a second in the German courts on a similar patent on April 16.


本文轉載自eCounsel Group網站,原文「New One又不能賣了! htc究竟怎麼回事?」,T客邦已取得轉載授權。文章為作者觀點,不代表本站立場。


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