
某個超威的韓版精靈遊俠跟其他的韓戰組隊打 才打死韓版的西格諾斯(韓版的在打到血量只剩11%的時候會回復8.4億的HP)

That thing was fixed awhile ago. People thought that Empress was “glitched” (including me) because she healed herself 32 times in limgoon’s run. People were enlightened by the illegit test server run though. The test server runners used a hack that made cygnus stay in one place without doing anything. After letting empress heal herself about 40 times before the timer indicated 10minutes left, they were able to kill it. The people in the real server were inspired by this idea, and decided to gather the top 18 players in each world they could find. And they were finally able to take down 2.1bil hp 41times in 50minutes, without the use of any hacks. Grats to the players who acheived this :3! Hopefully I can afford a sword now lol



PS:limgoon就是韓版那位神裝精靈遊俠,台版玩家大多知道這位吧?有玩韓版的應該知道吧= =

碧翠‧綠葉 參上!


共 1 則回應

1 樓 · 亞蘭 · 發表於 2012-03-02 18:11 · 檢舉

> 來源
> 某個超威的韓版精靈遊俠跟其他的韓戰組隊打 才打死韓版的西格諾斯(韓版的在打到血量只剩11%的時候會回復8.4億的HP)
> 來源的留言提到,原本有個bug是打倒女皇時,女皇會把全隊伍踢出地圖,不過這bug似乎修好了....下面引用那段留言
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> That thing was fixed awhile ago. People thought that Empress was “glitched” (including me) because she healed herself 32 times in limgoon’s run. People were enlightened by the illegit test server run though. The test server runners used a hack that made cygnus stay in one place without doing anything. After letting empress heal herself about 40 times before the timer indicated 10minutes left, they were able to kill it. The people in the real server were inspired by this idea, and decided to gather the top 18 players in each world they could find. And they were finally able to take down 2.1bil hp 41times in 50minutes, without the use of any hacks. Grats to the players who acheived this :3! Hopefully I can afford a sword now lol
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 踢人的bug修好一段時間了。大家(包括我)都以為女皇有bug,因為女皇在limgoon的遠征團那次自補32次。大家想到的堆倒方法還是從測服裡用不合法的推倒方法所啟發的。
> 在測服遠征時,他們用外掛使得西格諾斯呆呆的停留在某個地方而不做任何事。在時間剩下10分鐘前讓女皇自補完約40次,之後他們就能打倒她了。
> 在正服的玩家們受到這方法之成功的鼓舞之後,他們決定號招伺服器內前18名的頂尖高手們,而他們也能夠在"無使用外掛下"於50分內打掉41*21億的血量。真的很恭喜他們達到了。希望這樣子我就能有辦法能買下140劍了,哈。(PS:在這之前女皇武器在韓版都非常昂貴)
> PS:limgoon就是韓版那位神裝精靈遊俠,台版玩家大多知道這位吧?有玩韓版的應該知道吧= =

